The world is wide and I’m a “Dumb American”.

I don’t do too many scrapbook pages about myself.  AAM pages are important too as I do want to preserve memories. This one is a photo taken in Paris, in front of the Louvre. We had left the hotel that morning in cab, telling the driver we wanted to go to the Louvre. He repeated, “To the Louvre”. He probably spoke more English than he let on but I have a sneaking feeling that he was pulling one over on the “dumb Americans”. The feeling was confirmed when we pulled up to the front and the driver stopped to let us out, “To the Louvre”. We got out and as the cab pulled away we looked at a closed, deserted Louvre. It was closed as it was a French National holiday. I regretted the healthy tip we gave the driver because I’m certain he knew the museum was closed and didn’t tell us. But we still enjoyed ourselves, walking around, admiring the amazing architecture in the beautiful city.

I used World Traveler by Just Because Studio


Going back a ways…

Can you believe they were that little?!  The oldest has now graduated and it’s getting harder and harder to remember the days when they were squabbling over who got to do what first.  This photo was in the early days on a school trip and we were getting used to the changing dynamics in our little group and becoming a blended family.  Fun times!


Kit I used is Sports: Swimming Grab Bag by Laurie’s Scraps & Designs.