Book Club

Growing up, I was an avid reader.  It began with living in a home where there was no TV.  Instead of sitting in front of a screen with no interaction, our evenings were spent talking to each other, playing games or being active outside.  My father had his reasons for not wanting a TV.  He wanted his children active and not couch potatoes.  At the time, I was not able to appreciate a home with no TV.  Going to school and hearing other kids talking about TV shows they were watching made me feel left out.  But, now as an adult, I can appreciate the gift my father gave us.  We were forced to interact with other.  As kids, my brothers and I were not left on our own while our parents were involved in a TV program.  We were not left to our own devices or isolated in our rooms with our own TVs.  We actually sat at the dinner table each evening and discussed our day!  When Mom and Dad were both busy, I was encouraged to read.  My mother would read the books with me and we would have long interesting conversations about each book after I had finished it.  I treasure those memories.  The first series I remember discussing with her was the Little House on the Prairie books.  I was young enough that she started the series with me, reading the first book aloud.

In today’s age of technology, it is more often the case that homes have a TV in every room.  Kids are locked in to smart phones, video games, and tablets.  But I have been blessed to be able to share my love of reading with my two sons.   I was never able to get them to read Little House on the Prairie with me but we have shared many good stories together.  One such series was the Harry Potter series.  My youngest son even decided to host his own book club meeting.  He invited his Grandma and an Aunt, both avid readers, and his brother and me.  He decorated the table in keeping the theme and had his own discussion questions prepared ahead of time.  As his mom, it was a rewarding evening, watching him enjoy discussing a good book.  🙂


Layout supplies used: Bibliophile kit and February ’17 Template Pack by Connie Prince at Ginger Scraps.